Thursday, January 7, 2010

Naruto Shippuden

Some of you may know about Naruto the Anime and if you had watched the lattes Naruto series you may have noticed that they did not finish. Good and bad news is that they are starting to show Naruto Shippuden, thats the good news of course but the bad news was that they left us off withought knowing what happen at the end of the Naruto series.
Recently in Naruto Shippuden they Naruto and friends are traveling towrds the Akakski secret hideout but with some unexpected delays. They had thought they fought off Itachi and Sasame but they had been inposters. At least they had finished them off but now they relized more is at stake because they are sucking the one-tail demon out of Garra and if they succed Garra will die.
In the next episode of Naruto Shippuden, I think you can guess by the name of the episode, Garra's Death. So till next time Naruto watchers.

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