Friday, January 15, 2010

Books in form of dairies for an 8th grader

If an 8th grader where to ask me where he can find three books in a form of a dairy what would you say?
I would tell him to go and get one book from the series of Dairy of a Wimpy Kid. My reason for that chouice of book of book is because it's intertaining and funny. It might even give you some advice about being in midlle school not that we need any. I found the book by my old 6 grade teacher Mr.Pasascio when he introduced us to reading. He told uds that if we don't want to read big books we should read that.
The next book i would recomend is the book Flowers for Algernon. This book is about a man named Charlie Gordon, this book is interesting and yet miture because it deals with a grown mentally retarted man getting ready for a surgery that will make him smarter than the average man. He goes through many changes that teenage kids would have gone through but unlike Charle, he never relized what he was feeling. My 7th grade teacher Ms.Schooler is making us read this book, were only in page 80 so I don't know much.
Another book i would recommend is Vampire Dairies. This book seems good to me because like many people i see the cartoon version which shows in channel 5 during the week.Basically all i know is that its a book about avampires and of course some regular people who know about them and some who don't. And what we know is that the of couse suck blood.

1 comment:

  1. Anthony - Nice job. That's a wide variety of choices, which is always good when recommending books. Don't forget to spellcheck before publishing!
