Wednesday, April 21, 2010


This past semester has been great...I've mad new friends and I've gotten a blog in which I can post whatever I want. It's amazing how people from all around the world can see my blogs and see what I'm interested in. I really haven't seen every ones blog because I've been really busy lately. The thing I'd like to improve my blog by is by adding pic.'s to most of my blogs because sometimes they look boring and makes people not want to read them. I think I will keep blogging because it's pretty fun and lets me share if something cool has came out.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Regular Skittles or Sour Skittles

If you were given the chance to pick between sour skittle or regular skittle, which would you pick? I want to know your decision so tell me in my poll.
I personally think it's sour skittle but I still want to hear your decision.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Warrior Heir and Wizard Heir

If a student were to come and ask me if I knew two books that would take him to 500,000 words and that were below 5.8 reading level.
The first book I would reccomend is Warrior Heir, it's a book about a world of wizard, warriors, enchanters, and many other beings of magic. This book is kind of different than any other fantasy adventure books because these series of book don't have any magical creatures like fairies or more. Jack was a boy born withought his wizard stone so instead they replaced it with a warrior stone to save his life...what they didn't know was that he had to continue in a tournament where he fought for his life.
Wizard Heir is the same as Warrior Heir but it's about a boy named Seph who was born with a wizard stone where he goes to a school where he's a prisoner for not wanting to join a cult where he lets his principal contol his magic. He must escape while meeting new friends a familair faces in Warrior Heir, to fight for all the other magic being's life.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

For The Next Day

If Ms.Murphy , Ms.Rodriquez, or Christina wern't here but only the sub than I would give him/her 4 things for advice for the library to be prepared for the next day. The first thing I would tell her/him is to turn off the lights when were leaving, the 2 thing would be to make sure the trash in the library is picked up, the 3 thing I would tell him/her to log off all the comp., and the last thing to do is to lock up the library and the door outside.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Naruto Shippuden

Naruto Shippuden is in a tight spot at this moment. Sakura had just battled Samuri with the old lady and had defeated him. Samuri is part of the akaski which are a group of strong ninjas who try to take over the spirits of the wielders of tailed demons. When the final battle had begun it was a tough struggle but they managed to pull it off. It was time to finish the battle when Samuri had released a 100 puppets and the old lady had released only 10 puppets, they 10 puppets were very skilled though. Even at the end they couldn't pull of the win until Sakura had thrown some kind of heart jutsu at Samuri where it had ended his life for now.... When all seemed gained Samuri has transferred his working puppet heasrt at another puppet which he controlled and stuck a sword at the old lady but luckily the old lady had controlled his puppets and strikes him, and by the force of that was the end of the Akastki member.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wbsites for Health

Three websites that kids from 7th grade should check out,, and The first website basicaly teaches you how to take care of yourself, how to avoid sticky situations that happen in every day life, and what you can do to avoid stress and how to keep your body a ok. The second website is about how you can stop drugs and avoid them, it shows you vidoes about people who are and were drug addicts. It helps you by telling you the time when most addicts become addicted. The third website is about sex and how you can be safe after and before it. It teaches you the risk of oral or any type of sex, this websitrs are better for teenagers.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Demonata Series

The Demonata books are a series of books that are blood filed and full of demons. The author of the books is Darren Shaw and he is the author of the Demonata series and the Circue The Freak series.
The books Demonata are about 10 books that have 3 people who have the Kah-Gash, a powerful weapon that can destroy all demons from existence. The book has three main characters that narrate the books from time-to time. One person is named Kernel and he has the power to travel universes, Grubbs is a guy who can turn into a werewolf and control himself with magic but the weird thing is that he is the only one from centuries, the other person is a girl named Bec but I don't know anything about her because I haven't read her book. The point is that these books are just full of blood and killing, if you actually read these books you'll start to feel something for the characters.

Lowriders For 6th Graders

A book I would recommend would be a classic book called Lowriders by Deoden, Matt. The book is great because it doesn't just tell about the lowriders and styles, it also tells you about the history and culture of the Lowriders. I found it by llokig in the digital library and looking in the books. Another bok that is interesting and is about lowriders is a book called Low Riders, a little bit different. This book teaches you about how to recreate the lowriders and the different styles. The book is made for kids with little reading level and for people who want to learn about recreation and different style.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Domino's V.S Pizza Hut

We are here at LAAMS dicussing the situation of Domino V.S Pizza Hut. One reason I think Domino's is better is that the domin's pizza is way bigger and cheesier. One reason thats Pizza Hut is better is that they have dozens of choices for wings pizza and everything else. Dominos is cheeper and the cheese is even dripping, and there huge. Pizza Hut gives lasagna with another plate of lasagna. Domino's serves you fast. Now I am out for Pizza Hut so I guess Domino's WON!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A book for 6th or 7th graders

If there was 6th or 7th graders who want a book that's realistic fiction, pretty short and not so difficult, I would reccomend "How to eat Fried Worms". The book is preety interesting and it's not too short and it's easy to understand. Many people have seen the movie but when you read the book, it's in more details and it has a bit of a different storyline. I had read the book in 6th grade as a class.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Warrior Heir

If I were to recommend a group of 8th grade boys a book of either fantasy or science fiction, it would be fantasy. There is a book called Warrior Heir, it has a bit of bad language I think.......but I'm sure that there's killing and fighting. The book is like Harry Potter but way better, if you actually compare these two books Harry Potter would suck! It's a disgrace, unlike Harr.......come to think of it harry potter shouldn't even be capitalized. As i was saying Warrior Heir only has 3 book but harry potter has like 9, that's way to much.


Heroes is a short book that's about a man who had gone to war, but his only intentions were to kill himself. The book takes place in the time of World War 2. He is about 17 years old and of course they wouldn't have let him enter, but he had gotten a fake I.D to get in. Really the only difficulty about this book is telling what time is it in because sometimes it takes place in the past or present. The good thing about the book is that is verrry mature, it has bad language and a bit of adult activities. If you want to find out the reason he was going to kill himself then you'll just have to read the book.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What should be improvements for Fallout New Vegas?

Theres a new game coming out and it's called Fallout: New Vagas. This game is now taking place in Sin city which of course has Las Vegas with more shooting,radaited water-drinking, and multiple choice conversation.It's also going to have the 1st person and 3rd person.
What I think should be an improvement is the graphics, the story line and everything else is preety good but the graphics kinda mested up. Another thing they should improve is the ending when you pass it all, you should be able to continue from there and do extra mission or at least let it be saved when you finished the game. They could also maybe let you ride a car or a motorcycle, theres not much to improve because it's so awesome.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Imformation about Earthquakes

If a 6th grader were to ask me where they could look up imformation about earthquakes, i would tell him to look up the website . It's in the digital library in the section Salem Press-History. You have to enter earthquakes to get into this awesome page, it gives you clear decriptions of earthquakes, you can even look up the ones in the past. If you look up this website you sure to get an A or a 100%.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Fallout 3

Fallout 3 is a game thats bomb and is only for gangsters. This game is about 2000 years in the future when somone had thrown a nucluer bomb at United States and everything is mutated and destroyed. This game first takes place in a vault called vault 101 a vault inside of the destroyed world, this also includes when barely born, 1, 10, 16 and 19. When your nineteen, thats when the action starts. Your father has run away from the vault and for some reason the overseer, which is the leader, sents out his men to attack you and capture you for some reason that you don't know so you have to get through them and through some mutated rat roaches. So then once your in the outside world you start to find out about the truth and where you were really born in and why your dad ran away and whats he diong. You could level up and get 100's of guns and perks. The game is rated M, it has adult language and killing blood and voilence. The rest you'll have to find out yourself just make sure you give the old dudes some water or they'll die when you leave and come back.

1000 Awesome Things

The website 1000 Things is very interesting and I will visit it again because it shows you how a real blog should be. I mostly like of how the blogs are about everyday lives. But it will be better if they include something unheard of or new. I wouldn't like to add these blogs in as a link because then it will be like putting something better on mines when I want mines to be tight. I think all of the blogs are good espeacailly how none of them have grammer errors or any kind of mistakes. I really can't say which I think is the winner because theres so many and there all good so it's all really hard to decide.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


If there was two options of recommending you guys a movie and a book of Buddhism I would recommend a book called Buddhism by Hewitt, Catherine. And for a movie I would recommend Buddhism Past Present and Future.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Soldiers for Recomendation

If i would have to recomend someone images between civil war battles or just soldiers i would recomend soldiers around 1950. The reason i would recomend someone soldiers from another time is that because you would be able to learn about modern guns that korea used and how destructive they can look and do. You may also be able to learn about the war in Korea because anyone would want to know about another state and their weapons because maybe one day, you never know if they might start a war with us. In these images you can see how they were battling and the area there battling in so if you would like to see this pictures you would have to go to http://
Or you can just go to the digital library and pick AP images and pick the soldier pics in the international news if their there.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Books in form of dairies for an 8th grader

If an 8th grader where to ask me where he can find three books in a form of a dairy what would you say?
I would tell him to go and get one book from the series of Dairy of a Wimpy Kid. My reason for that chouice of book of book is because it's intertaining and funny. It might even give you some advice about being in midlle school not that we need any. I found the book by my old 6 grade teacher Mr.Pasascio when he introduced us to reading. He told uds that if we don't want to read big books we should read that.
The next book i would recomend is the book Flowers for Algernon. This book is about a man named Charlie Gordon, this book is interesting and yet miture because it deals with a grown mentally retarted man getting ready for a surgery that will make him smarter than the average man. He goes through many changes that teenage kids would have gone through but unlike Charle, he never relized what he was feeling. My 7th grade teacher Ms.Schooler is making us read this book, were only in page 80 so I don't know much.
Another book i would recommend is Vampire Dairies. This book seems good to me because like many people i see the cartoon version which shows in channel 5 during the week.Basically all i know is that its a book about avampires and of course some regular people who know about them and some who don't. And what we know is that the of couse suck blood.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Why do we have to wear uniforms, thats the question that we all want to know. Unfortunately I also don't know like many of you. But I think it is because the school wants to look formal and smart. But actually theres a gang that hangs around somewhere in the 60 streets that wears the same color clothes as us. Either were pretty cool or that gang is not a very good one. But based on all of this why don't they just tell us why or tell us why this and this work. They never tell us anything. Or why they would change our school colors as a gang.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Naruto Shippuden

Some of you may know about Naruto the Anime and if you had watched the lattes Naruto series you may have noticed that they did not finish. Good and bad news is that they are starting to show Naruto Shippuden, thats the good news of course but the bad news was that they left us off withought knowing what happen at the end of the Naruto series.
Recently in Naruto Shippuden they Naruto and friends are traveling towrds the Akakski secret hideout but with some unexpected delays. They had thought they fought off Itachi and Sasame but they had been inposters. At least they had finished them off but now they relized more is at stake because they are sucking the one-tail demon out of Garra and if they succed Garra will die.
In the next episode of Naruto Shippuden, I think you can guess by the name of the episode, Garra's Death. So till next time Naruto watchers.