Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Domino's V.S Pizza Hut

We are here at LAAMS dicussing the situation of Domino V.S Pizza Hut. One reason I think Domino's is better is that the domin's pizza is way bigger and cheesier. One reason thats Pizza Hut is better is that they have dozens of choices for wings pizza and everything else. Dominos is cheeper and the cheese is even dripping, and there huge. Pizza Hut gives lasagna with another plate of lasagna. Domino's serves you fast. Now I am out for Pizza Hut so I guess Domino's WON!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A book for 6th or 7th graders

If there was 6th or 7th graders who want a book that's realistic fiction, pretty short and not so difficult, I would reccomend "How to eat Fried Worms". The book is preety interesting and it's not too short and it's easy to understand. Many people have seen the movie but when you read the book, it's in more details and it has a bit of a different storyline. I had read the book in 6th grade as a class.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Warrior Heir

If I were to recommend a group of 8th grade boys a book of either fantasy or science fiction, it would be fantasy. There is a book called Warrior Heir, it has a bit of bad language I think.......but I'm sure that there's killing and fighting. The book is like Harry Potter but way better, if you actually compare these two books Harry Potter would suck! It's a disgrace, unlike Harr.......come to think of it harry potter shouldn't even be capitalized. As i was saying Warrior Heir only has 3 book but harry potter has like 9, that's way to much.


Heroes is a short book that's about a man who had gone to war, but his only intentions were to kill himself. The book takes place in the time of World War 2. He is about 17 years old and of course they wouldn't have let him enter, but he had gotten a fake I.D to get in. Really the only difficulty about this book is telling what time is it in because sometimes it takes place in the past or present. The good thing about the book is that is verrry mature, it has bad language and a bit of adult activities. If you want to find out the reason he was going to kill himself then you'll just have to read the book.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What should be improvements for Fallout New Vegas?

Theres a new game coming out and it's called Fallout: New Vagas. This game is now taking place in Sin city which of course has Las Vegas with more shooting,radaited water-drinking, and multiple choice conversation.It's also going to have the 1st person and 3rd person.
What I think should be an improvement is the graphics, the story line and everything else is preety good but the graphics kinda mested up. Another thing they should improve is the ending when you pass it all, you should be able to continue from there and do extra mission or at least let it be saved when you finished the game. They could also maybe let you ride a car or a motorcycle, theres not much to improve because it's so awesome.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Imformation about Earthquakes

If a 6th grader were to ask me where they could look up imformation about earthquakes, i would tell him to look up the website . It's in the digital library in the section Salem Press-History. You have to enter earthquakes to get into this awesome page, it gives you clear decriptions of earthquakes, you can even look up the ones in the past. If you look up this website you sure to get an A or a 100%.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Fallout 3

Fallout 3 is a game thats bomb and is only for gangsters. This game is about 2000 years in the future when somone had thrown a nucluer bomb at United States and everything is mutated and destroyed. This game first takes place in a vault called vault 101 a vault inside of the destroyed world, this also includes when barely born, 1, 10, 16 and 19. When your nineteen, thats when the action starts. Your father has run away from the vault and for some reason the overseer, which is the leader, sents out his men to attack you and capture you for some reason that you don't know so you have to get through them and through some mutated rat roaches. So then once your in the outside world you start to find out about the truth and where you were really born in and why your dad ran away and whats he diong. You could level up and get 100's of guns and perks. The game is rated M, it has adult language and killing blood and voilence. The rest you'll have to find out yourself just make sure you give the old dudes some water or they'll die when you leave and come back.

1000 Awesome Things

The website 1000 Things is very interesting and I will visit it again because it shows you how a real blog should be. I mostly like of how the blogs are about everyday lives. But it will be better if they include something unheard of or new. I wouldn't like to add these blogs in as a link because then it will be like putting something better on mines when I want mines to be tight. I think all of the blogs are good espeacailly how none of them have grammer errors or any kind of mistakes. I really can't say which I think is the winner because theres so many and there all good so it's all really hard to decide.